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イシドルス『語源』翻訳 VIII. 5. 69-70『キリスト教の異端について』


テキストはOroz Reta J. and Marcos Casquero, M.-A (eds), Etymologias: Edition Bilingüe, Madrid, 1983. を使用した。Berney, Lewis, Beach and Berghof, The etymologies of isidore of seville, Camblidge University Press, 2006の英訳を参照した。

Isidoro di Siviglia, Etimologie o origini, primo volume, a cura di Angelo Calastro Canale, UTET, 2004.の訳と注釈も参照した。



イシドルス『語源』翻訳 VIII-5: 1-10『キリスト教の異端について』 - Asinus's blog

イシドルス『語源』翻訳 VIII-5: 11-25『キリスト教の異端について』 - Asinus's blog

イシドルス『語源』翻訳 VIII-5: 26-36『キリスト教の異端について』 - Asinus's blog

イシドルス『語源』翻訳 VIII-5: 37-50『キリスト教の異端について』 - Asinus's blog

イシドルス『語源』翻訳 VIII-5: 51-61『キリスト教の異端について』 - Asinus's blog

イシドルス『語源』翻訳 VIII-5: 62-68『キリスト教の異端について』 - Asinus's blog



Arianism and other heresies, the works of saint augustine, part 1 vol.18, introduction, translation and notes Roland J. Teske, editor John E. Rotelle, New City Press, 1995.










ある者たちはこの世の状態についての(de mundi statu)見解が[正統派教会と]一致しない3






  1. cf. アウグスティヌス『異端について』74.
    “There is another heresy which states that God is tripartite so that the Father is one part, the Son another, and the Holy Spirit a third. That is, they are parts of the one God and make up the Trinity, as though God were composed of these three parts, and neither the Father nor the Son nor the Holy Sprit is complete in itself” (以下Teske訳).

  2. キリストは冥府へ下ったと信じられていた。cf. 『アタナシオス信条』38、『ニコデモ福音書』。

  3. cf. アウグスティヌス『異端について』67.
    “Philaster mentions a certain heresy without a founder and without a name; it says that this world, even after the resurrection of the dead, will remain in the same state in which it is now and that it it will, thus, not be changed so that there is a new heaven and a new earth (Is 65:11; Rv 21:1), as the holy scripture promises”.

  4. cf. アウグスティヌス『異端について』75.
    “There is another heresy which says that water was not created by God, but was always coeternal with him”.

  5. cf. アウグスティヌス『異端について』68.
    “There is another heresy of those who always walk with bare feet, because the Lord said to Moses, Remove the sandals from your feet (Ex 3:5; Jos 5:16) and because the prophet Isaiah is said to have walked barefoot. It is a heresy because they do not walk that way in order to afflict their body, but because they interpret the words of God in that manner”.

  6. cf. アウグスティヌス『異端について』71.
    “Philaster says that there are other heretics who do not eat with other human beings. But he does not state whether they avoid eating with other who are not of the same sect or whether they do not eat even with their own people. He also says that they have the correct doctrine regarding the Father and the Son, but do not hold the Catholic position regarding the Holy Spirit, because they regard him as a creature”.

  7. 「正統派教会に所属していたとしても」ということ。